Our Team

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Our Team

At Manchester Local Care Organisation we have a team of around 3,400 staff working with us from across community health and adult social care.

Our leadership team oversee the work of the organisation and is responsible for the long term development of community based care in the city. They have a wealth of experience of managing services in Manchester and beyond that they bring to MLCO.

The team also work across Trafford Local Care Organisation as part of the joint leadership arrangements across both LCOs – and across the University Dental Hospital of Manchester (the LCOs form a clinical grouping with the Dental Hospital through Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust). The exception to this is the Director of Adult Social Services role which is linked to the local authority area of Manchester only. The leadership team are supported by a small corporate team who lead on our various pieces of work.

You can contact any member of the team via our email address communications@manchesterlco.org

Ian Lurcock

Interim Chief Executive
Ian has been in the NHS since 1981, starting his career as a biomedical scientist before taking on various management roles in acute trusts and regionally. Joining MFT’s predecessor organisation in 2010 in a role that included managing community services, Ian has since been chief executive of Clinical and Scientific Services and North Manchester General Hospital. After retiring in January 2024, Ian returned in March 2024 to take on interim chief executive roles, first at the Royal Eye Hospital and Dental Hospital, and then at the MFT Specialist Hospitals Clinical Group.

Mark Edwards

Director of Performance and Operations
Mark is responsible for day to day operations across the services MLCO and TLCO provide. Alongside ensuring continuity of services, his portfolio includes ensuring new models of care are implemented to transform and improve care.

Bernie Enright

Director of Adult Social Services
Bernie is responsible for the operational delivery of all adult social care for MLCO. Her responsibilities also include engaging with partners and stakeholders across the voluntary & community sector and the NHS to integrate services around the needs of individuals and families. Her role spans MLCO and Manchester City Council.
Image of Layla Alani

Layla Alani

Director of Nursing and Professional Lead

Layla is the professional lead for Nurses and AHPs within the MLCO and TLCO. She is responsible for the delivery of high quality and safe care ensuring patients and service users have the best possible experience whilst in our care. Layla joined us in April 2024 from Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where she has worked as the director of governance and deputy chief nurse. Layla is an experienced nurse leader and has worked across medical and surgical specialities within acute and community settings including neurology, neurosurgery, end of life care and trauma & orthopaedics. Layla is a Florence Nightingale scholar with a particular interest in health prevention, research and quality improvement.

fo Dr Karim Adab

Karim Adab

Interim Medical Director
Karim is a practicing GP in Manchester. As interim Medical Director, he is responsible for leading the clinical strategy of MLCO and TLCO, aiming to improve population health and wellbeing by turning the strategy into reality. Karim became interim Medical Director in December 2024.

Vicki Hall

Director of Workforce & OD
Vicki joined the LCOs in October 2024, she was previously Director of HR at St Mary’s Hospital. Full bio to follow.

David Pearson

Interim Finance Director
David joined the LCOs in December 2024 as interim Finance Director. He previously worked as Deputy Finance Director with Manchester Royal Infirmary.